101-Word Stupor — Splenda in the Glass

Keywords: Gobble, Milk, September

It’s a cold September morning, and the barista fills your personalized Lady Gaga mug with coffee. I hate you. Oh, yeah, hi. Smile and nod. No. Not the daily ritual… Don’t cozy up to the condiment station like a goddamned chemist. Just pour the milk and—Stop shaking the Splenda packet! You’ve loosened the granules enough. Rip the packet open and—Stop it! Why do you keep doing that? No, don’t gobble up your scone now. Jesus. Chew once in a—Stop it! I notice a guy staring at me, typing on his laptop. Hey! Is he blogging about—Stop it!

Keyword preview for tomorrow: umbrella, inebriated, carousel 

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